मरघट वाले बाबा |

मरघट वाले बाबा |

मरघट वाले बाबा |



There is an ancient Hanuman temple known as Marghat Wale Baba located in Yamuna Bazar near Hanuman Setu opposite Nigam Bodh Ghat in the capital Delhi. It is a historical site. According to the folklore, when the Pandavas were returning after conquering the battlefield of Kurukshetra, Ram devotees descended on this place with the flag of Hanuman Rath. Even at the behest of Lord Krishna, Hanuman ji did not approve of going ahead. He said that on the request of Pandav’s son. So now I will stay here. Then Lord Krishna announced with his beloved ‘Panchjanya’ conch and said that in the coming Kalyug, this place will become a place for the people suffering from temptation to get good knowledge. 

 Bhima, I had mounted on the flag of the chariot to protect Arjuna, now the Pandavas have won in the Mahabharata war, so my work has also been completed. Everyone knows that Hanuman ji is Maharaj Chiranjeev / Azar Amar. And according to our Vedas and Puranas, The next Brahma is also Hanuman ji. Therefore, this place is awake. Then the Pandavas worshiped Hanuman ji, which continues till today by the devotees.

The history of this temple begins with the Dwapar era. It has seen a long process of rise and fall of Delhi, once the indraprastha city of Pandavas. Kumar Duryodhana of Hastinapur,  became restless to see its beauty. After the Mahabharata war, Indrapastha was destroyed. The fort of the Pandavas is still there as a ruin, which takes us spontaneously to the same Podava period indrapastha for a moment.Indrapratha was also known as Sakarprastha, Sakarpuri and Satkaratuprastha for some time. After the Mahabharata period, the period of Hindu kings begins. By the 11th century, many kings came and went. In the 11th century, this temple has seen the rule of King Anangpal of tomar dynasty over Delhi by Qutubuddin, Sultana Razia Begum, Nasiruddin, Balvan, Khilji Sultanate, Mughal Sultanate, Rule of Lodhis and then aurangzeb going from Delhi. We have also seen the destruction of The Fort Salimgarh built near the temple at the hands of the British and this temple has been the only witness to all these events along with history.

